Privacy Policy


This page contains information on how the personal details of the users of this website are processed.

This policy, in accordance with article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 – Personal Data Protection Code, is applicable to users who interact with the services offered by the website, accessible online at:

The policy applies only to this website and does not apply to any other websites the user may reach via any links.

The policy also draws from EU Recommendation No. 2/2001, which the European Authorities for the protection of Personal Data, part of the Group established by article 29 of Directive No. 95/46/EC, adopted on 17 May 2001 to identify the minimum online data collection requirements and, in particular, the methods, terms and nature of the information that Data Controllers must provide users when they connect to websites, regardless of the purpose of the connection.


After accessing this website, data referring to identifiable or non-identifiable persons may be processed.

The “Data Controller” is the company AFFETTI PUMPS s.r.l. with head office in Castellanza (Va) – Via   Maroncelli 4 – VAT N. 01572590121

The “Data Processor” is Mr Affetti Alberto, for the purposes herein resident at the Data Controller’s head office.


Data processing in connection with the services offered by this website is carried out at the head office of the Data Controller mentioned above and is managed exclusively by the technical staff specifically tasked and/or responsible for the processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance services.

No data relevant to the web service is communicated or divulged to third parties.

Personal data provided by users when sending requests for information and/or quotes are used only to provide the services requested and are communicated to third parties only if necessary for this purpose (e.g.: delivery service, etc.).


Browsing Data

The information technology systems and software procedures used by this website during the course of its normal operation acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified users, but due to its nature, when elaborated and combined with data held by third parties, may lead to their identification.

This category of data includes: IP addresses, domain names of the computers used by users to connect to the site; the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) format of the resources requested, the time when the request is made, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the user’s operating system and computer environment.

This information is used only to check the correct operation of the website and is deleted immediately after processing. This data could be used to ascertain liability in the event of hypothetical cybercrimes to the detriment of the site.

Data Voluntarily Provided by Users

When users optionally, voluntarily and explicitly call, fax, post or send emails to the addresses published on this website, the Data Controller automatically acquires their contact details, which are necessary to reply to their requests, and any other details included in their communications.

Specific summary information will be provided or displayed on the relevant website pages dedicated to particular services on demand.


The website does not acquire any personal details.

Cookies are not used to transmit personal information; “persistent cookies” and tracking systems are not in use on the website.

Session cookies (cookies that are not permanently saved on the user’s computer but disappear once the browser is closed) are used to transmit session details (random numbers generated by the server) required to allow users to browse the website safely and efficiently.

The session cookies used on this website avoid the use of other potentially intrusive technologies during browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal details that can be used to identify the user.


Aside from the mentioned browsing data, users are free to provide their personal data by filling in request forms or when contacting Affetti Pumps s.r.l. to ask for information packs or for any other request.

If they do not provide this data, users may not be able to receive what they requested.


Data will be processed exclusively for the purposes in connection with the activities of Affetti Pumps s.r.l., including via telephone, fax, mail and email, and always in response to a specific request and with the user’s consent.

Personal data are processed in automated or paper format only for the period of time strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected.

Specific security measures are in place to prevent unauthorised access, loss, unlawful and inappropriate use of data.


The subjects to whom the data refer have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal details concerning them exist, to know their origin, verify they are correct and ask to update or amend them (article 7, Legislative Decree No. 196/2003).

Pursuant of the same article, data subjects have the right to request that their personal data are deleted, transformed into anonymous format, block any unlawful use of their data, and refuse authorisation to process their personal data for legitimate reasons.

All requests must be addressed to the Data Processor.